Equine Gestaltists Heal Trauma

Restore Hope and Transform Your Scars

I am Evie Rose, Gestaltist

Pieces of my life cut like glass. some were shattered and some were sharp. When my life was shattered I forgot the person I was before the trauma. I’d look out through the cracks and brokenness, life was rugged. I realized the broken pieces could be mended by looking at what broke them in the first place — and in the process of exploring the trauma from the past in the present moment, I found wholeness again. My life has meaning. My heart had a feeling I could embrace. 

Much of my journey was taken through Equine Gestalt Coaching.  Horses helped  me to know it’s okay to feel and I won’t be hurt.  They helped me open my heart, connect with parts of myself I pushed away, overcome my anxiety, and understand how my body had been reacting to the trauma in my past. They helped me let go of the denial, realize it wasn’t my fault and find my inner spirit. Most importantly, they showed me how to recognize I am worthy of love — both from myself and others.

I became an Equine Gestalt Coach through a two-year intensive training program so I could share this method with you. 

I am passionate about creating a safe place where people can be seen and heard while demonstrating that it is possible to live a good life after abuse. If you can’t come to me, I can bring Gestalt to you! 

  • Complete unfinished business
  • Raise awareness of how you respond
  • Uncover triggers and heal

How does an Equine Gestalt Session benefit you?


Gestalt is a German term that loosely translates to “wholeness.” It is an approach that focuses on being fully present in the here and now. Gestalt assumes we are whole and resourceful, and it emphasizes self-awareness and understanding as we work to resolve any “unfinished business” that is holding us back from living our best lives.

“Keep focused on the life of your strong, beautiful inner child — the pain is loud, but it is not stronger than love.”

— Melisa Pearce, Gestalist and founder of the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method

What is the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method?

I am certified in the Gestalt Equine Coaching method. I impletment this method into all my coaching programs. This video gives you a glimpse into how the EGCMethod works, the role of the horse in coaching and how the two, together, promote healing.


Agreed they felt better about themselves at the conclusion of the Equine Gestalt Coaching session than at its beginning.”


Would participate in this coaching program again.


Agreed they felt more hopeful about their future at the conclusion of the Equine Gestalt Coaching session than at its beginning.

The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method is Scientifically Proven

What exactly can Gestalt help YOU with?
Let me start by explaining how Gestalt has helped me with my trauma:

Finding my will to live again

Being more present in my daily life

Developing confidence in how I show up in the world

Expressing my opinions with ease and grace (most of the time…LOL)

Surrendering my need to control my world

Understanding, appreciating, and releasing my coping strategies for coping

Overcoming numbness and reconnecting with my feelings

Accepting myself for who I am without judgement

Becoming comfortable in the presence of others

Awareness of sensations and how to release stuck energy in my body

Knowing my story is truly being heard by other people

Having my awareness and actions be congruent with my truth

Feeling empowered to achieve my goals

Coping with memories, flashbacks, and triggers in a healthy way

Connecting with my inner child

Expressing my feelings to my husband and loved ones in a different way

Setting and holding new boundaries

If I could give you one gift from my experience,
it would be gift of self-compassion.


One of the most gratifying gifts Gestalt — and the horses — have given me is self-awareness. This has lead to a revelation of self-compassion. When we are in trauma, self-compassion seems foriegn, far away — or even completely unavailable. Through Gestalt, and awareness, self-compassion becomes not only available but accessible in a new way. That still small voice inside you is there waiting to be heard and understood. It changes your life when you open your heart to feel love and self-compassion. I know, I have taken this journey and I am honored to share this gift with you.

Magical Moments Cards

The Cards

Magical Moment Cards were designed to look into your soul.

This deck of cards helps you summon your inner strength, while opening & connecting with yourself & others. Make every moment a ‘Magical Moment’.